Monday, September 16, 2013

Scholarship for Master of Information Technology (MIT) Carnegie/Stream B - 2014

The University of Pretoria announced the scholarship for Master of Information Technology (MIT) Carnegie/Stream B - 2014.

Selection of candidates for this fully funded academic programme will be highly competitive and will only be considered from tertiary institutions in sub-Saharan Africa, viz. university libraries and Library and Information Science schools. Only applications from Carnegie partner institutions and countries will be considered for the funded programme, viz. South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria, Tanzania and Ghana. However, anyone may apply for this course, considering that all fees should be paid for by the student him/herself or with help from his/her university 

Twenty prospective students will be selected every year for admission into the funded programme in addition to possible non-funded students. Selection is based on previous education, work experience and the strength of submitted portfolios. Applicants must meet the basic requirements for admission as stated below, but this does not guarantee admission, only admissibility. There is only one intake in January every year.


For more information click here

Tanzania and UNESCO Magazine, Magazine No. 9 of 2012/2013

This publication informs esteemed readers on the UNESCO programme activities implemented in the United Republic of Tanzania in the past one year. It also features some articles of interest to our readers.

The activities implemented include among others; Sensitization Seminar for Member of Parliament on the importance of Conservation of World Heritage Sites in the country, Information Literacy skills training for Agricultural Extension Officers to impart them with requisite ICT skills required to operate effectively in the emerging information and knowledge society. A sensitization seminar was also organised for gender stakeholders on issues of gender violence and importance of establishing a National Associate Centre for Women Research and Documentation at Tengeru as part of the efforts of the proposed regional centre for the same in the Great Lakes region. 

For more information click here

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Group dynamics workshop at Port Louis, Mauritius

Presentation: In the workshop (Group dynamics) at Port Louis, Mauritius with participants from Australia, Mauritius, Zambia, Kenya, Togo, Ivory Coast, Tanzania and Malawi September 2013

Presentations were done at MITD Headquarter in Port Luis Mauritius. The Voila Bagatelle was a hotel were most participants lived there. It was very nice hotel.